Implementation Survey

The following survey will provide our Implementation Team with details necessary to set up your PatronManager account.

Note that the answers you provide do not lock you into a specific configuration, but rather give us an idea of where you're currently at with your operational policies. We understand these things may change throughout the course of your implementation.

This survey should take approx. 15 minutes to complete.
Organization Information

Fundraising & Development
Gift Entry Configuration

CTRL + select to choose multiple values

CTRL + select to choose multiple values

The Donation Administrator is the individual at your organization that will receive emails when a new online donation is received. This person is usually in charge of making sure online donations are added to the database correctly. This must be a user in the system, so please designate someone who will have login access to PatronManager.

Please note: This must be a current and valid email address. Due to Gmail security policies being incompatible with aspects of, email addresses ending with may not be utilized for the email from which your patrons receive their confirmation emails.

This is the name that will appear in a patron's inbox.
Events & Ticketing

If you charge different Order Fees depending on the type of order (e.g. if there are different Payment Methods or Order Origins), please indicate those fees here and how they are applied.

E.g. For every ticket purchased there is a $1.00 fee that applies to each individual item.

Available Delivery Methods in PatronManager are Email (Mobile), Ship, Will Call, and Walkup.

Please note: This must be a current and valid email address. Due to Gmail security policies being incompatible with aspects of, email addresses ending with may not be utilized for the email from which your patrons receive their confirmation emails.

This is the name that will appear in a patron's inbox.
Other Information